What We Do
Our goal is to help people be economically independent. To do this, we combine local, state and federal resources to increase their knowledge, skills, and motivation to reach self-sufficiency.
Without your support, none of these programs would be possible.
Assistive Equipment Program
The Assistive Equipment Program receives donated assistive equipment such as walkers, shower chairs, canes, grab bars, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. These items are available free to anyone who may need them and cannot afford to buy new equipment.
Backpacks for Kids
Backpacks for Kids was developed in 2006 to address the need for food for children identified as being homeless. Children identified as being homeless are defined as children who are living in overcrowded housing, staying with family or friends, staying in hotels/shelters, or sleeping in vehicles.
"Kid-friendly" foods such as cereal, granola/yogurt bars, fruit cups, applesauce, pudding, canned dinners, peanut butter, jelly and bread are given to the kids. The food packs are delivered to the schools on every other week. The school distributes them to children in need. Community Action works together with the schools to determine who is in need.
CDBG Accessibility Assistance
The CDBG Accessibility Assistance Program receives funding from the City of Bismarck and through Community Action Program helps income eligible households with a disabled family member to resolve accessibility and home repair issues in their homes. With these funds we help with things such as constructing wheelchair ramps, installation of walk-in showers, installation of grab bars, and also removing architectural barriers to make it easier to maneuver in their homes.
This program is limited to residents of Bismarck.
Clothing Closet/Donation Center
Clothing, household items, and furniture are available free of charge to eligible households. Volunteers to work in the center are utilized and needed.
The Clothing Closet is located in the CAP office and is open on Tuesday & Wednesday, 9am - 11:30am and 1pm - 3:30pm.
How You Can Help
We accept donations at our office Monday through Friday from 8am to 11:30am and 12:30pm to 3:30pm. If you are donating large items (furniture, appliances, etc.) please call before coming to set up a time to drop them off.
Energy Efficiency Programs
Energy Efficiency Programs included are Weatherization, Emergency Furnace Repair/Replacement, Residential Energy Efficiency Program, Cooling Program.
The Weatherization Program provides energy conservation services to low-income homeowners and renters to make their homes more energy efficient. The program helps to increase energy efficiency and reduce heating bills by concentrating on the problems of heat loss and air infiltration. Weatherproofing repairs such as insulation, caulking, and weather-stripping are provided to income eligible households.
Emergency Furnace Repair and Replacement Program assists households with repair and replacement of unsafe heating systems. Clients must be eligible for the Fuel Assistance Program and may be required to make a co-payment.
Cooling Assistance helps those who require a cooled space in their home during the summer months. A medical verification is required and the household must meet income guidelines. Equipment purchased for the house from local suppliers can be a window air conditioner, ceiling fan, or repairing the existing cooling equipment. Electrical upgrading of the house for cooling equipment to run properly is also eligible.
- Applicants must be approved for LIHEAP Fuel Assistance through their county Social Services.
- The heating bill must be in the applicants name.
- The address for the fuel assistance and for the heating bill must be the same.
Client-Intake-Form-Back-4.13-revised-2019Application Process
See the cover letter for information on submitting an application. You must submit:
- Energy Share Application
- Client Intake Form (PDF)
- Fuel Assistance Approval Letter
- Electric bill
- Disconnect notice (if available)
Food Pantry
The Community Action Food Pantry provides food baskets to income qualified clients and families in need. A bread shelf is also available throughout the week. These programs are located at the Community Action office and are based on income eligibility.
The Food Pantry is stocked primarily through donations. Food baskets are generally filled with enough food to last approximately 4 - 7 days, depending on our funding and donations received.
How You Can Help
The Community Action Food Pantry accepts donations of food to keep the pantry filled. We accept both perishable and non-perishable food. Meat donations are accepted provided they are packaged through a licensed meat processor. Donations can be dropped off at our office 8am to 11:30am and 12:30pm to 3:30pm. All donations are tax-deductible.
Helping Hands

Security Deposit Assistance
Income eligible individuals may be assisted with a security deposit to obtain safe and adequate housing. Assistance is based on availability of grant funds.
Past Due Rent Assistance
Income eligible individuals who have an eviction notice due to non-payment of rent may be assisted to stop the eviction and avoid becoming homeless. Assistance is based on availability of grant funds.
Self-Reliance Program
This program is designed to help individuals and families become economically self-sufficient. A case manager assists program participants on a one- to-one basis in setting goals and achieving them through:
- Identifying and resolving problems
- Identifying community resources
- Exploring educational and employment opportunities
- Building and improving self-confidence.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF)
Assists homeless Veterans or those at risk of becoming homeless in securing safe and stable housing. Services may include: Case Management, help applying for VA benefits, financial assistance with housing, and help connecting with other community resources.
Tri-State HELP/Ryan White
Tri-State HELP (Housing Environment for Living Positively) HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids) is a needs-based program for low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families who live in North Dakota, Montana or South Dakota and need housing assistance and/or related services.
The goals of the program are to provide a stable housing environment and provide access to services such as medical care and recovery and counseling programs.